Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Ayo Kita Ke Kota Sabang

#Travellovers, tidak terasa hari sudah menjelang sore, setelah keliling beberapa tempat sebagaimana tersebut di atas waktu pun sudah menunjukkan sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB, waktunya kami beranjak menuju Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue untuk menaiki kapal ferry menuju Pelabuhan Balohan, Kota Sabang. Masih dengan driver dan Pak Iskandar, kami pun diantarkan menuju pelabuhan dengan waktu tempuh sekitar 20 (dua puluh) menit.

Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue 1, Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue 1, Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue 2, Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue 2, Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Setelah membayar biaya yang sudah disepakati di awal (Rp100.000,00 untuk jemput dari Bandara SIM menuju Kota Banda Aceh dan Rp70.000,00/jam untuk jasa guide + sewa mobil + bahan bakar) dan ditambah dengan sedikit tips karena jassa Pak Iskandar dan driver yang cukup mengesankan, kami pun membeli tiket Kapal Cepat Express Bahari tujuan Pelabuhan Balohan, Kota Sabang di loket. Harga tiket kalau tidak salah ingat adalah sekitar Rp60.000,00 sekali jalan.

Kapal Cepat Express Bahari, Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Kapal Cepat Express Bahari, Pelabuhan Ulee Lheue, Banda Aceh, NAD, Indonesia

Dengan demikian selesai sudah perjalanan wisata singgah kami di Kota Banda Aceh ini. Sampai jumpa pada Catatan Perjalanan kami berikutnya di Kota Sabang yang pastinya tidak kalah menariknya dengan di Banda Aceh. Ada komentar atau sanggahan kah #Travellovers? 🙂


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9 years ago

Mas, ada no ho /telp travel tour yg au kesabang ga? Bagi donk mas, soalnya kmi mau ada eencana ke sabang bulan may 2016 ntar. Thanks before


9 years ago

Maksudnya yang jual paket wisata ke Sabang? Sayangnya ga ada. 🙁

Kerry Fritz II

11 years ago

The ferry does not run 24 jam/day. I had been to Banda Aceh in 2005. I did not, however, at that time take the ferry to Sabang/Puloh We. On December 5th if was suggested by the betcha drivers outside of Hotel Medan that I go. The next day I decided to make a day trip of it. However, what was left out of the information was that the ferry does not run 24 jam/day. In short, I was stuck on the island overnight.

To make things worse - the next morning there was no taxis/betchas at 6:30 a.m. to go to the ferry. I walked and walked and finally put out my thumb and was eventually picked-up by a government worker on his way to work (on a Saturday) and was taken to Sabang City (Kota) where the person had to turn in another direction. It was already after 8 a.m. so I missed the first ferry so I walked until a betcha driver stopped and asked me if I wanted a ride to the ferry.

Upon arrival at the port I found no one who could tell me the [correct] schedule and there were no brochures or signs other than the electronic one, which did ended-up to not be correct.
It was good I did not go anywhere, as one of the versions of the next ferry leaving said two in the afternoon, while another said eleven a.m. The correct departure time was noon.

The slow ferry takes over two hours and the fast ferry takes almost one hour. The cost is 18 to 25,000 rupiah and the fast boat is 40,000. This is a good price of approx. 2 USD for slow and a little over 3 and a half for the fast ferry. The slow ferry carries cars, trucks and scooters whereas I do not think the fast ferry does.


11 years ago

Hai Kerry, I think the problem is when you go to Sabang. At 2005, major public facilities isn't running well yet because at 2004 Aceh was hit by Tsunami. I go to Sabang at June 2013 and the public facilities, include the ferry was good. Try to go to Banda Aceh and Sabang again, I think you might have a different experience then you had before. 🙂

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